Monday, August 19, 2013


Jennifer Frances reading to a Bess the Book Bus participant who also received new glasses. 
   What difference can one person make? Ms. Jennifer Elizabeth Frances is the founder of Bess the Book Bus. She proves that a single effort can have a great impact. Born in Worchester, Massachusetts, Jennifer grew up primarily in the Southeast, but moved a lot in her family. 
     "We lived in MA, TX, GA, LA,
NY,and  FL while I was a kid. I have lived in FL, TN, AZ, MA, NC and FL
again in the last 15 years," she said.
    In an age where reading devices have become popular for many, Ms. Frances makes reading fun in an engaging way for underprivileged youth. She spreads the joy of holding and enjoying physical books to many children who greatly need them, by traveling to various cities, giving away free literature. Jennifer also adresses vision
 needs, with the help of sponsors. Although the Book Bus is located in Tampa in between trips, it will leave for SC, NC, NJ, NH, NY, ME, PA, and VA on Friday. I had the pleasure of catching up with Jennifer Frances to learn more about the wonderful venture that she founded. 

Andrea: Can you please explain a little about what you do, and where the great books that you give away come from?

Jennifer: We have been very fortunate to have some great corporate sponsors step up and help us. Transitions Optical, VSP Vision Care, CITGO, Townsend
Press and Capstone Publishers have all been with us for five years.
They support our national outreach. Last year, Mercedes-Benz USA
donated a brand new fully outfitted Sprinter 3500. We are also lucky
to get donations from publishers such as Candlewick Press, Two Little
Birds Publishing, authors like Rebecca Emberly, Mo Willems, Cynthia
Lord, John Perry, and Debbie Diessen. And from organizations like
First Book. First Book has been helping Bess for 8 years. We have
gotten millions of dollars of books from them.

At home, we are supported by the Tampa Bay Rays, Publix Super Markets
Charities, Inkwood Books, often Target and personal donors.

Andrea: Who are your helpers or teammates?

Jennifer: We have several volunteers, but
David Fain is the longest standing and currently traveling with us.
This is his third nationwide trip.

Andrea: How, when, where and why did you start the Book Bus? 

Jennifer: We started right here in Tampa in 2002. I was looking for a place to volunteer and couldn’t find a fit. The idea of Bess came to me like the pull of the
moon. She is named after my Nana, Bess. I knew it was something I
could do. Something I had to do.

Andrea: From what I learned about this project, it seems like your 11 year
journey has been rewarding but sometimes tough. How did you feel
cashing in your 401(k) to get started with charity work? Did you ever
worry about giving up your job and stability to pursue your dream?

Jennifer: It felt great. It was exhilarating, really. It was the most natural
thing ever. I never second-guessed it. It got REALLY hairy in 2009.
Ok, it was hairy to start with, but 2009 was critical. I almost lost
everything. I went to a lawyer, got advice, got mad at it and decided
to double down and keep at it. We were not raised to surrender in my
family. Bess is worth fighting for. Our kids deserve to be fought for.
I worked nights until 2011. I will again if I need to. Nothing will
stop me from chasing this dream.

In 2009, thanks to, we got our first national
sponsorship. First Book put us in touch with them. The Summer of Good
Reads and Good Deeds took us to 35 states in 70 days and landed us on
the CBS Early Show, in People Magazine and in Family Circle. It also
got us our sponsorships from Transitions Optical, Townsend Press,
Capstone Publishers and CITGO.

Andrea: How many states have you traveled to?

Jennifer: We have been to all 48 contiguous states. Most of them several
 times. We hope to go to Hawaii in 2014 through a sponsorship from a
Hawaiian Company and Alaska in 2015.

Andrea: What kind of youth have you met along the way?

Jennifer: The kids we meet are what keep us going in the roughest times. They are hungry to learn and succeed. They shine.

Andrea: Please share your wonderful news about partnering with Transition
Optical, and how current funding efforts have been for you.

Jennifer: Transitions Optical and VSP Vision Care bring the magic of healthy
sight to our kids. Thousands of kids that could not afford healthy sight otherwise get free comprehensive eye exams and free glasses with Transitions Lenses each year. The mobile vision clinic really is
magic. I tear up just thinking about it.

Bess the Book Bus stopped in Detroit to give glasses and books to young readers. 
Though funding is better than ever, we are still operating at about
85%. We could really use a hotel sponsor and a serious commitment-
50,000+ books a year- from a big publisher like Scholastic, Disney or

Andrea: How do you decide where to go, and where will you be next?

Jennifer: We choose locations based on need. Schools and centers need to serve
underprivileged families. We coordinate with our sponsors for some
locations and we also pick a lot of our own. Our next big event is
with Transitions/VSP and Darius Rucker in Charleston, SC on 8-14-13.
Hooties Homegrown Roundup will make sure that over 1,000 kids have
school supplies, vision screenings, books and more. Then we head to
Maine with CITGO’s Fueling Good Road Trip. We will visit dozens of
towns there and see thousands of kids. After that is Camden, NJ with
Townsend Press and then the Buffalo Zoo with Double Eagle and Ellicott
Development. That is a Head Start event that will serve over 1,000
kids. Our last event is Neptune Fest in VA Beach with CITGO on
9-28-13. Then home to Tampa to see our kids here!

Andrea: How can the public support you?

Jennifer: We could really use help finding a hotel sponsor. Also, every $1
donated via our website provides up to TWO NEW BOOKS for our kids.
Also, liking us on Facebook is a plus!

Be on the lookout for Bess the Book   Bus, and keep up with Jennifer!